Tuesday, December 25, 2012

PacktPub book review for 'Securing Weblogic Server 12c'

I got invitation from PacktPub Publication to review the newly published 'Securing Weblogic Server 12c' book. I was quite excited to review this book on latest technology.

Who is this book for?
This book is for weblogic 12c enthusiasts, administrators and security admin.

What do you expect from this book?
This book begins with security concepts of Weblogic 12c. As Weblogic is J2EE app server, java security concepts are covered. It talks more about Weblogic security realm. Interesting part is it explains how Weblogic 12c can be configured for Microsoft Active Directory to support Kerberos SSO in Microsoft domain network.

What I liked about this book?
It gives step-by-step explanation to the problem statement. It discuss troubleshooting  for many issues.  It also gives recommendation for performance. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

inactive BAM user

there are scenario when user is shown as inactive when he logs in BAM console. Follow these steps to activate the user.

  1. go to tmp folder of BAM in the domain 
  2. cd $domain_home/servers/Managed_bam_server01/tmp/_WL_user/oracle-bam_11.1.1
  3. search for BAM config file
  4. find . -name BAMServerConfig.xml
  5. edit the file config file 
  6. vi ./568z2c/config/BAMServerConfig.xml
  7. make following property false
  8. <EnableBackgroundUserGroupValidation>false</EnableBackgroundUserGroupValidation>