Wednesday, April 20, 2011

auto claim in human task

When a task in human workflow is assigned to a group, the user has to acquire it before he can take action on the assigned task. Normally, The user is presented with 'Claim' button in task form. Imagine, this user has 100 tasks assigned, then he has to select the task and click on claim and then take further action; this process is very painful. How about Auto-claim?

Auto claim can be enabled by adding enableautoclaim as 'true'. shown below


Add this element, as last element in .task file.

What happens? when user clicks on the assigned task, he is presented with 'Claim' button along with other actions e.g. Approve, Reject etc. He can acquire task, by clicking 'Claim'. If he clicks on action buttons ('Approve' or 'Reject' etc.), the task is automatically acquired, and the outcome is updated as per definition of task.